Happy Monday everyone.
Three times 4am baking start on Saturday, Sunday and this Monday morning made me nearly forget to go to work today. I was still baking and then realized that I actually have to start getting ready to work and go there too!
I had an amazing baking weekend and made a lot of wonderful Sourdough bread, rohliky 'bread rolls', cinnamon babka bread and 'kolache' sweet pastries with fillings.
Let's start with some bread. One Spelt Sourdough with flaxseed, one Sea salt Sourdough, two Gluten-free Sourdough loaves with chia, black and white sesame seeds and this morning's Sourdough bread with a unintentionally scored tree on top.

Spelt Sourdough bread with flaxseed

Two Gluten-free Sourdough breads made from Gluten-free Sourdough starters, rice flour, quinoa flour, chickpeas flour, lentil flour, buckwheat flour, millet flour and tapioca flour. Topped with chia, sesame and linseed. Pure health heaven these two!
For one of my loveliest customers I got to make this beauty - Cinnamon babka bread with a crumble on top. There is no better thing than

And a lot of Czech sweet pastries - KOLACHE with fillings (with poppy seeds filling and almond flakes, Quark filling and raisins, walnut filling and powidl jam. Score: 70 over the weekend.
Little 'wedding' KOLACHE (with Quark filling and crumble topping. Score: 20 over the weekend.

Please contact me should you wish to order a birthday cake, cupcakes, Sourdough bread, RAW desserts or anything else!
Thank you for your support.
Jana x