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Hello all healthy living and eating people!

My Gluten-free Sourdough starter Sammy has been patiently 'fed' for a few weeks now and I felt it was a right time to bake my first gluten-free sourdough bread. We all know now that baking with sourdough starter instead of commercial yeast is way more healthier and starter can be used in bread and in cakes as well. It still tastes sweet and beautiful, but way more healthy!

So back to Sammy.. The first loaf was baked for my friend Sophie. I bought white rice, brown rice and quinoa, googled how to make flour from grains, toasted rice and quinoa (the popping was unbelievable, like popcorn!) and then grinded into flour.

The night before, I mixed my starter with water and rice flour and let it sit overnight in room temperature. The next morning psyllium husk, water and flaxseed was mixed into gel and then mixed with quinoa flour, brown and white rice flours, potato flour, tapioca flour, gluten-free bread flour and let rise for 6 hours. AND THEN BAKED!

It came out so beautiful and I was really proud! Baking this bread took ages, but it was soooo much fun!

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Rose Bay, Sydney

NSW 2029


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